Monday, August 10, 2009

Review System

Before I review anything, I thought it would be helpful to put up a system of how I review things.

First off, I'll start with the main points of the manga...

Art: Was it clean? Messy?
Characters: Developed? Easy to relate to? Design?
Story: Was it good? Easy to follow? Too confusing?
Quality: Did the publisher make a decent publication? Did they translate things in an easy-to-read way?

For anime:

Animation: Was it fluid? Colorful?
Characters: Did they move well? Did they look good animated?
Release: Menus, extras, and packaging.
Sub/Dub: Was it faithful to the original script? Were the voices pleasant?

And finally, how the products I review are ranked. Are they worth reading? Are they something that belongs in the trash bin? Without this, you'd never know!

5 Stars: Excellent
Will only be used for the best-of-the-best. It will have to be something perfect, or at least pretty close to it. Needs to have well-developed characters and a strong story.

4 Stars: A bit above average
Equivalent to an A or a B+, depending on the product.. This is something worth reading, and you wouldn't hesitate to buy these if wandering around a book or anime store. Good characters and a decent story are a must.

3 Stars: Average
Just what the title says. Average. Maybe something just didn't do it for me or there was a flaw in the product such as no story (or filler) or non-developed characters. This means a title is decent, but I'd recommend a flip-through or a sample of the product to make sure you'll like it. Somewhere in the B-C range. Your mileage may vary.

2 Stars: It's not that great actually
Somewhere between a C- and a D. These products are usually not so great, and are either lacking something very important or are just poor quality overall. Also equivalent to the phrase Meh.

1 Star: Don't even bother with it
Hopefully I won't use this much. This is when something lacks the thing that makes it readable. This rating means it may or may not be worth a flip-through or watch just so you can see what it is. Usually a D- to an F.

So that's the review system. Pretty nifty, eh?

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