Sunday, August 30, 2009

Kimikiss: Extra Kiss

This is a review of a short extra chapter from Kimikiss. Not the actual volume.

It starts out with a girl named Kaorin being surrounded by her clasmatess. She's been kissed! Nana, our protagonist for this chapter and classmate, seems a bit confused. What is a kiss? What does it feel like? She'll never know with her brother complex. Kaorin goes into detail, but Nana is quickly whisked away by Narumi-chan to take out the garbage. Cut to Nana in her bedroom, pondering what a kiss is. Her Onii-chan walks in, but she quickly boots him out. Well, it looks like she's at that age...

The next day Nana is having lunch with Narumi, and they ponder what a kiss is. After mulling it over for a page or two, they figure out that they need knowledge. And where does that come from? Books! 'Cause you totally know that books will have everything you need to know about kissing. They end up checking some books out on cooking. They wish it was manga, so then they go to Narumi's house...but end up going to Mao's, because she is an expert on kissing.

It turns out Mao-neesan hasn't kissed anyone! But she doesn't let the two girls know that. That would be like telling a six-year-old there isn't a Santa Claus! But she gives them advice on her non-existant kissing skils just to perk them up. Cut to them walking home, when they see high-schoolers kissing. They then have the great idea to kiss each other, just for practice...

When a soccer ball comes flying at them and knocks them over. They are happy, even though their first kiss wasn't with a boy. Nana walks home, and before going to bed, Onii-chan kisses her on the head after asking him about kissing. Aww.

This wasn't was I was expecting after the regular Kimikiss. It's a nice little diversion away from the main story with Mao. There's no smuggling melons under shirts (if you know what I mean), no innuendo, no nothing that might turn someone away from the regular Kimikiss. I'll continue reading Kimikiss anyway and post thoughts here.

This chapter really didn't feel like a dating sim like the rest of the series did.

More later!

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