Sunday, November 8, 2009

Shugo Chara! Party Impressions

Since the new anime season started a while ago, I think it's about time I've gotten to impressions of the new shows. The only show I'm aboslutuley sure I'll blog is Kuuchuu Buranko (since it's awesome), and I'll follow a few shows (Shugo Chara Party, Kobato, Railgun) for a few episodes. Also, there will be quick impressions for shows I'm sampling later. Now onto today's post: Shugo Chara Party.I can confidently say I've enjoyed Shugo Chara. The first season was good, the second was a bit filler, and I've read the 6 volumes of the manga that's been out here in the US (volume 7 is still waiting for me at the store) and enjoyed them. What do I think about the third season, Party? Is it going to be a hit or has SC! hit it's expiration date?

The show starts off with some cosplayers as the main Charas, Ran, Miki, and Suu. Then we're greeted with a music video, which may or may not be related to the actual show. They do some talking, and then we're shown...Shugo Chara...Puchi. Well, Puchi Puchi if you want to be exact.

I'm not sure exactly what purpose Puchi serves. It's really cute, seems a bit filler. And no, it's not part of any storyline or anything, it's just a cute little time killer. And I'm not sure if that's good or bad, because what goes on in it (I recall this one being about Dia having a flower and no one noticing it) is rather juvenile. I mean, it seems Shugo Chara is now aiming itself at really, really young kids.

And then halfway through the episode, we get to the actual anime. We're introduced to a new character, Rikka, who if I remember correctly, can communicate with X-eggs. She helps the guaridans when an X-egg is terrorizing the art room. I'm not sure what Rikka and her ability will add to the show, I just hope it doesn't lead to more filler.

At the end, we have our forutnes (don't pick Dia's she always gets a bad one!) and the three cosplayers calling out for a Dia, which will be a elementary/middle school girl who watches the show. Actually, I think most young girls in Japan are eligible to enter.

At the moment, I'm not sure exactly what Shugo Chara Party is going to do, since only nine minutes of it were actual animation. The music was good and Rikka has potential, but I'm not sure if that can take away from the out-of-place Puchi segments. Yeah, I know it's cute, but since this is an anime, I'd rather see more plot and magical-girl then little kids stuff. Not the Shugo Chara isn't for kids, but it's just so darn...kiddie.

I'll continue watching it, probably skipping the Puchi and just watching the animation part (with the fortunes and music at the end, of course.) For now, I'd give it a 5/10, I guess the younger your are the more you'd enjoy it. Am I getting to old for Shugo Chara, or is it aiming itself at a younger generation? Only time will tell.

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